Upcoming conference presentations

  • ESC – European Society of Cardiology, 2019

Past conference presentations

Scientific Conferences:

  • Euro CMR 2019 – annual meeting on CMR of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI).
  • Heart failure Congress 2019 – European Society of Cardiology 6th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure in Athens, Greece. (May 25-28th).
  • CMR 2018 – the world’s largest conference on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance organized every 4 years by joint American (SCMR) and European (EACVI) Committees, January 2018– oral presentation on a distinct case titled ‘Athlete’s Heart or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?’
  • UCL Ground Round September 2016- first Grand Round presentation given by medical students on the topic ‘Can students be the change?’
  • NHS National Quality Improvement Championship March 2016- won the 1st prize with our initiative Be the Change UCL
  • Christie International Cancer Careers Conference September 2015- awarded the 1st prize for the best oral presentation
  • Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Annual Meeting January 2017
  • Diabetes in Pregnancy Barcelona March 2017
  • British Cardiovascular Society Annual Meeting June 2016
  • UCL Cardiovascular Symposium January 2016
  • British Undergraduate Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference October 2015
  • National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Conference and Competition March 2015- 8th place on a national level

Selected Digital Health Conferences & Hackathons

  • Founders Forum London, June 2019
  • Recent Developments in AI and Medicine, RSM February 2019 – Lead the panel discussion and closing remarks
  • Launch of the Research Hospital and UCLH & Alan Turing Partnership May 2018 – presented and participated in the panel discussion moderated by Jackie Ashley together with Lord James O’Shaughnessy and Professor Marcel Levi, CEO of UCLH.
  • RSA Big Data Society Machine Learning and AI for a Better Society- oral presentation October 2016
  • Founders Forum 2016- interview on the main stage with a TV Presenter Davina McCall about the work on Watch Out Diabetes project in front of high profile tech entrepreneurs including Demis Hassabis (Founder, GoogleDeepMind) and Niklas Zenstrom (Founder, Skype).
  • London Healthtech Challenge May 2016 – received the People’s Choice Award and the best oral presentation voted by the audience for the prototype of the web platform for appraisal and revalidation of doctors
  • The Royal Society – Rosalind Franklin Appathon February 2016- finalist for women in STEMM
  • UCL Med Tech Conference February 2016 at the Rise Auditorium- co-organised and presented at the conference
  • Royal Society of Medicine Quality Improvement Presentation (Medical Innovation section event) February 2016
  • Inspire Medicine Conference January 2016 – First Prize at the Dragons Den Challenge Competition
  • F-Factor Competition June 2015 organised by the Founders Forum- awarded the top finalist for the idea of Watch Out Diabetes- a digital prevention programme for post-partum women with prediabetes. Pitched the idea in front of high-profile judges including the Baroness Martha Lane-Fox (Last Minute.com), Sir Charles Dunstone (Talk Talk), Simon Cowell (X-Factor), Eric Schmidt (Alphabet) and many others.
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